
Lauren Puretz


Mammoth Trail Fest 50km

21st September, 2024
Mammoth Lakes, California
2nd, FPRO
Running, Ultra - 50km
, Hot
5hrs 26mins
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Lauren's headline numbers

Carb per hour
Recommended 90g/h+
Fluid per hour
Recommended 250-750ml/h
Sodium per litre
Recommended 800-1200mg/L
Caffeine per kg
Recommended 3-6mg/kg

Lauren's strategy


Carbohydrate is the main fuel you burn when racing. Failing to fuel properly is a leading cause of underperformance in longer races.

Carb-rich meal
T - 1-4hrs: Ate a carb rich meal (Low in fat & fibre)
Didn't pre-fuel
Lauren would benefit from taking in a final dose of carb <30 minutes before
Carb per hour
Recommended 90g/h+
Lauren's Energy Rating
"My energy levels were ok this race. I made sure to grab a couple of gels from the aid stations and had one in the last three miles because I felt my energy levels dip a bit. "
Our thoughts

Lauren started race morning off with some easily digestable carbs, before heading to the start line. She planned to take a combination of PF 300 Flow Gel, PF 30 Gels and some on-course energy gels to avoid carrying too much, which would weigh her down. She consumed slightly more carb than she had done previously at Western States, but less than we know athletes of her level could do. Given the performance benefits associated with higher carbohydrate availability, Lauren should aim to increase her intake slightly to be closer to the 90g/h recommendation, which would better support her efforts whilst also improving her recovery. Lauren could achieve this by consuming an additional flask of PF Carb Only Drink Mix or by increasing the amount of PF 300 Flow Gel that she consumes. With some regular gut training Lauren should have no issue both digesting and tolerating higher carb intakes.


Taking on board an appropriate amount of fluid and sodium is essential to maintaining blood volume and supporting the cardiovascular effort needed to perform on race day.

Whilst the absolute amount of sodium and fluid consumed per hour is important, it’s critical to consider these in relation to each other. This is known as 'relative sodium concentration' and it’s expressed in milligrams per litre (mg/L). How much sodium you’re taking in per litre of fluid is more important than the absolute amount taken in per hour.

Lauren has been Sweat Tested to dial in her hydration plan

Sweat sodium concentration (mg/L) is largely genetically determined and remains relatively stable. Knowing how salty your sweat is enables you to replace a good proportion of your sweat losses, which can range from 200-2,000mg/L.

Whilst Lauren’s losses are on the moderate side, getting her hydration strategy right is still crucial when it’s hot and/or humid as her higher sweat rate in these conditions can result in significant net losses over the duration of a race.

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Didn't pre-load electrolytes
Drinking a strong electrolyte drink before the race could have helped Lauren start optimally hydrated
Fluid per hour
Recommended 250-750ml/h
Sodium per litre
Recommended 800-1200mg/L
Lauren's Hydration Rating
"Annoyingly, around 31.5 miles I thought I could catch first place so I missed a couple of water stops and my calf spasmed."
Our thoughts

Lauren consumed a very low fluid intake during this race and, given the warm conditions, it’s unlikely she replaced enough of her sweat losses. The cramping she experienced towards the end of the race was probably due to a couple of factors: firstly a lack of water from avoiding the last couple of aid stations, and secondly the increase in pace as she attempted to catch the lead female. Given Lauren’s higher than average sweat sodium concentration, the Electrolyte Capsules and small amount of sodium found in a couple of the on-course energy gels were likely insufficient to support her sweat losses. It would benefit Lauren to increase her electrolytes in future races to more closely support her individual losses and potentially avoid cramping. Some additional Electrolyte Capsules, or swapping to the PF Carb & Electrolyte Drink Mix would help to do this.


Beyond the Three Levers of Performance (carb, sodium and fluid), caffeine is one of only a few substances that is proven to improve performance for most endurance athletes as it can help stave off mental and physical fatigue.

Didn't pre-load caffeine
Consuming caffeine in the hours before the start may have increased perceived energy levels
Caffeine per kg
Recommended 3-6mg/kg
Our thoughts

Lauren used a couple of PF 30 Caffeine Gels to hit a caffeine intake in line with the recommended guidelines to reap the ergogenic benefits the stimulant has to offer. An additional PF 30 Caffeine Gel pre-race could be beneficial to both top up her glycogen stores and kick start the fatigue-masking effects of caffeine earlier on in her race.

How Lauren hit her numbers

Here's everything that Lauren ate and drank on the day...

Lauren's weapons of choice

Final thoughts

Lauren's Satisfaction Rating
This was more of a last minute race. I figured if I was already traveling, why not continue and spread out the jet lag torture! Clearly not too bad a decision!
Lauren had a great race at the Mammoth Trail 50km, and considering the jet lag and previous racing, she performed well. An increase in both her fluid and sodium intake to better match her individual sweat losses will help her avoid the effects of dehydration she experienced towards the end of this race. Further increasing her carb intake will also support her energy levels and hopefully we’ll see her finish on the podium in more races to come!

Lauren's full stats

418g total carb
77g per hour
1,050ml total fluid
193ml per hour
648mg total sodium
119mg per hour
Sodium per litre
235mg total caffeine
4.7mg per kg

Data Confidence

We rate each of our case studies from 1-5 based on the level of accuracy, and our confidence in the data.

There is an adequate level of accuracy in the data collected and the numbers reported. The athlete manages to recall what they ate and drank including most specifics (brands flavours quantities plausible estimations of volumes). However there are estimations made within the data which affect the overall confidence level in the data reported.

Lauren's recent case studies

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