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Chris Harris' scorecard

Swashbuckler 70.3®

Sunday 10th July, 2022

Within recommended ranges

Just outside recommended ranges

Significantly outside recommended ranges

  • 108g

    Carb per hour
  • 780mg

    Sodium per hour
  • 605ml

    Fluid per hour
  • 1,290mg/L

    Relative sodium concentration
  • 2.78mg/kg

    Caffeine per bodyweight
  • How Chris hit those numbers

    500ml x PH 1500 (Tablet)
    1 x Pot of Porridge oats with Honey
    1 x PF 30 Gel
    *** Try to avoid drinking too much at this point in the race!
    400ml x PH 1500 (Tablets)
    1.5L x PH 1500 (Drink Mix)
    1 x PF 30 Gel
    2 x PF 90 Gel
    250ml x PH 1500 (Drink Mix)
    1 x PF 90 Gel
    2 x PF 30 Caffeine Gel
    800ml x Plain water
    320ml x Energy drink mix (35g carb)

    How Chris' hydration and fueling went...

      • One of the Precision Fuel & Hydration Sports Science team, Chris AKA ‘Minty’, had a solid race at the Swashbuckler 70.3, securing his first overall race win in a middle-distance triathlon
      • The weather forecast predicted hot temperatures, so Chris knew a robust hydration and fueling strategy was essential to ensure he raced to his full potential
      • Chris nailed his strategy and finished the race saying “I probably could have carried on a fair bit longer, I had so much energy”. In contrast, he saw several athletes who didn’t get it quite right, with the run course being “littered with people cramping and generally struggling with the heat”
      • Chris wore a Continuous Glucose Monitor from Supersapiens which together with the Supersapiens energy band that he carried with him, allowed him to to collect live glucose readings throughout the race


      • Chris made sure he started the race optimally hydrated by preloading with ~500ml/16oz PH 1500 (Tablet) the night before and the morning of the race. This will have ensured his sodium levels were optimally topped up, meaning his fluid retention and blood plasma volume were maximised, reducing the strain on his cardiovascular system during the race
      • During the bike, Chris consumed ~1.25L (42oz) of fluid, which contained ~2,850mg of sodium, giving him an average relative sodium concentration of ~2,280mg/L
      • Considering Chris’s sweat sodium concentration is 1,433mg/L, this concentration of drinks may appear a little high, but Chris knew there weren’t many drinks stations on the run course, so treated the bike as an opportunity to preload for the run. In future, Chris could consider reducing his relative sodium concentration on the bike and taking some Electrolyte Capsules with him on the run to keep his sodium intake more stable
      • Unfortunately, as Chris neared the end of his first lap on the bike he dropped a 750ml/24oz bottle containing one PH 1500 (Tablet), and as he had just finished his other bottle, this meant he rode the second lap without any fluid. Luckily, he spotted his bottle on the ground as he neared the end of the bike so stopped to pick it up, knowing how crucial hydrating was going to be before starting the run
      • Once onto the run, Chris picked up cups of water from the aid stations to drink, and also poured several over his head to keep himself cool as temperatures rose to ~29℃/ 84℉
      • In total, Chris drank ~2.62L/92oz of fluid throughout the entire race, averaging ~605ml/20oz per hour. This was split into ~536ml/16oz per hour on the bike and ~913ml/30oz per hour on the run. Usually we’d expect Chris’s fluid intake to be lower on the run compared to the bike, but as the temperatures rose throughout the race, Chris stopped at all six aid stations to ensure he got enough fluid on board
      • Chris rated his hydration strategy 7/10, saying “if I had executed my plan it would have been 10/10, but riding for an hour with nothing to drink was sub-optimal”


    Quick Carb Calculator Recommendation


    carb 30 mins before


    carb per hour during
      • Chris carb-loaded the night before the race by having a chicken and spinach pizza, and backed this up by having a carb-rich breakfast consisting of porridge and honey about 90 minutes prior to the race start
      • In the last 15 minutes before the swim, Chris took a PF 30 Energy Gel to top off his glucose levels and spare his stored glycogen for later in the race. This was confirmed by his Supersapiens monitor which recorded a significant increase in glucose shortly after taking this initial gel, and supports their suggested strategy for the best time to eat before exercise
      • In terms of carb intake throughout the race, Chris averaged an impressive ~108g/h including the 25 minutes he spent swimming, so actually hit ~110g/h on the bike and ~120g/h on the run
      • Whilst these numbers are higher than the 90g/h which our Fuel & Hydration Planner recommends, it supports the recent evidence which suggests athletes can absorb carbohydrates at rates of over 90g/h through multiple sources of sugars (e.g. glucose and fructose), and exceed the performance benefits of those taking lower quantities. Chris has, however, spent significant time training his gut to tolerate this quantity of carbs, and is now reaping the benefits
      • Chris hit these impressive carb numbers on the bike by filling a ~500ml/16oz bottle with two PF 90 Energy Gels and one PF 30 Energy Gel, before topping the bottle up with ~100ml/3oz of correctly mixed PH 1500 (Drink Mix) to make the gels a bit more fluid, guaranteeing that they came out of the bottle easily
      • On the run, Chris carried one PF 90 Energy Gel with a bite valve on top which he sipped on regularly, whilst also taking two PF 30 Caffeine Gels at approximately kilometres 3 and 12. These gave Chris an average caffeine intake of ~2.7mg/kg of bodyweight which is slightly below the 3-6mg/kg recommended range. Chris will still have seen a reduction in his perceived effort in the latter stages of the hilly run course, and he could even consider taking another caffeine hit earlier in the race to fall within the recommended range for boosting endurance performance
      • Chris’s glucose levels gradually rose throughout the race, which suggests he was matching his energy outputs with his aggressive fueling strategy


      • Chris raced hard from the gun, leading out of the swim and never looking back as he battled solo for the remaining ~4 hours
      • This is the highest amount of carbs Chris has hit during a race. Positively, he rated his GI comfort 10/10 which suggests he was comfortably tolerating these carb quantities
      • Racing well in the heat is something Chris was always worried about in previous years, as he has a high sweat sodium concentration and a high sweat rate, but having an appropriate and calculated fluid and fuel plan has enabled him to reap the rewards of his training, regardless of the weather conditions

    Key info

    Chris Harris

    Sweat sodium concentration
    Sweat sodium classification
    Very High
    * determined by our Sweat Test


    Overall Time
    Swim Time
    Bike Time
    Run Time
    Normalised power (Bike)

    Event information

    Middle distance
    Swashbuckler 70.3®
    Beaulieu, England
    10th July, 2022
    Swim Distance
    1.9km / 1.2mi
    Bike Distance
    90.0km / 55.9mi
    Run Distance
    22.6km / 14.0mi
    Total Distance
    114.5km / 71.1mi
    Bike Elevation
    502m / 1,647ft
    Run Elevation
    184m / 604ft

    Race conditions

    Weather Conditions
    No Rain
    Min Temp
    21°C / 70°F
    Max Temp
    29°C / 84°F
    Avg Temp
    25°C / 77°F

    Athlete feedback

    Race Satisfaction
    Hydration rating
    I dropped a bottle on the bike, if I'd been able to drink throughout this would be a 10/10
    Energy levels
    No major dips, felt like I could have kept running if I needed to
    Toilet stops
    4km into the run
    GI comfort
    No cramping

    Chris' Thoughts

     My first overall 70.3 win on a hilly course in scorching temperatures, I'm pretty stoked!

    Chris' full stats

     Carbohydrate (g)Sodium (mg)Fluid (ml)Caffeine (mg)Relative sodium concentration (mg/L)
    Total intake4663,3792,6202001,290
    Per hour10878060546
    Bike and Run
    Total intake4363,3792,6202001,290
    Per hour11488168352
    Total intake2562,8501,25002,280
    Per hour1101,2215360
    Total intake1805291,370200386
    Per hour120352913133

    Data Confidence







    There is good confidence in the accuracy of the data reported. An athlete feels that the numbers closely reflect what they consumed despite a couple of estimations which may carry some degree of error. The majority of what was consumed is recorded to a high level of specificity (most volumes are known through the use of bottles brands quantities flavours). The numbers are very plausible and align with previous data recordings (if an athlete has collected data previously).

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