Hydration, Fueling and Performance Advice for Athletes
How David Kurtz beat muscle cramp after 30 years searching for a solution
Cycist David Kurtz tells us how he used Precision Fuel & Hydration's PH 1500 electrolyte drinks to beat his issues with muscle cramp after 30 years of searching for a solution!
Avoiding injury and maintaining consistency when training for an ‘ultra’
Tips on how to get your training done whilst minimising the risk of injury.
How to manage common chronic lower leg injuries
World-renowned chiropracter Dr Lawrence van Lingen shares a list of common lower limb injuries runners suffer from with advice on how to manage them.
Andy tries Go Faster Foods' Go Bites
Andy Blow reviews Go Faster Foods' Go Bites to see how they might fit in with his nutrition strategy for endurance racing.
The different types of Sweat Test and why you should have one
Understanding what you're losing in your sweat can help you unlock potentially massive performance gains...
How Sean raced 5hrs 15mins on only ~500 kcal of carbs
My calorie expenditure was 4,700 kCal but I only took in ~500 kCal of carbs during the event. I should have bonked. How did I manage it? I used exogenous ketones to fuel my 5 hour 15 minute race.
How precise does your hydration plan really need to be?
Is it possible to calculate exactly how much you need to drink during your next race?
The life of a cycling team doctor on the Tour de France
We talked to Dr Adrian Rotunno - Team Dimension Data’s team doctor - about supplements, the importance of technology in saving cyclists' lives and what it's like being a team doctor on a Grand Tour.
How pros prepare for the Tour de France
With the Tour de France only days away, we thought we'd ask Jan Bakelants for some insight into how riders prepare and see what it's actually like to ride in the Tour...
Why we put the 'relative sodium concentration' of our drinks on the front of the packet
It enables you to easily match the fluid you’re putting back in (i.e. your electrolyte drink) with the concentration of the fluid you’re losing through sweating. Click to learn more!
How to measure your sweat rate to improve your hydration
Everything you need to calculate your sweat losses inc. a free downloadable spreadsheet, plus a guide on how to use the data to optimise your hydration plan!
How to estimate how much sodium you lose in your sweat
To nail hydration, you need to understand 2 things: 1. how much you’re sweating & 2. how much salt you’re losing in that sweat. This blog will help you with that last one!