Hydration, Fueling and Performance Advice for Athletes
How MMA fighter Terry Brazier made weight on his way to a 2nd BAMMA World Championship
One of the challenges of any combat sport is the weight cut. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is no different, it’s a key part of the preparation for fights - and even the outcome if done incorrectly....
World Champ Michelle Dillon reflects on her first race in 11 years
Former World Champ triathlete Michelle Dillon ran her first race in 11 years. Here's how she got on...
Does having clear urine really mean you're well hydrated?!
Recent research has cast doubt over how valid using urine markers alone to monitor your hydration status might be...
Why is your thirst quenched so quickly after drinking? And does dehydration negatively impact performance even if you don't know you're thirsty?
Does dehydration negatively impact performance even if you don't know you're thirsty? 2 research papers ask these questions and we've summarised them.
Should you really just ‘drink water to thirst’?
Do you need electrolyte supplements and sports drinks or is plain water enough to avoid hydration-related issues like hyponatremia and dehydration, and to perform at your best?
High sweat sodium losses can aid the development of hyponatremia! (Precision Fuel & Hydration paper published in The BMJ)
BMJ case report by Dr Doug Lewis, Dr Tamara Hew-Butler and Precision Hydration provides evidence for the importance of the personalization of hydration practices and sodium replacement for athletes.
5 ways to avoid ruining your marathon the week before your race
Tips to avoid the common pre-race pitfalls by marathon running experts Martin Yelling (Marathon Talk), Mario Fraioli (The Morning Shakeout) and Andy Blow (Precision Fuel & Hydration).
How to optimise your triathlon taper
Studies have suggested you can expect a performance boost of 2-3% from effective tapering. That's >5mins off a 6hr Half Ironman! Here's how to realise those gains...
Hydration/nutrition tips for XC and Marathon Mountain Bike races from elite rider Stu Bowers
Stu Bowers races for SCOTT Racing. Here's Stu's take on how to hydrate and fuel effectively for MTB racing...
How to stay hydrated (and train for an Ultraman) in a war zone
Tommy Bowling is training for an Ultraman whilst serving in Afghanistan. He's working/training in 120°F (49°C) desert heat, so hydration is a BIG challenge for him. Here's how he does it...
How much dehydration can you tolerate?
The consensus is that some level of dehydration is acceptable (maybe even desirable) rather than aiming for 100% replacement of sweat during exercise. But why?
Can hot drinks help you perform in cold weather?
Should you be drinking warm drinks when training/racing in cold climates? Does it help you stay hydrated and improve your performance in other ways? Find out...