Hydration, Fueling and Performance Advice for Athletes
How to stay hydrated out on the tennis court
Staying hydrated is crucial to your performance on the court. Here are some tips to help you with your tennis hydration strategy.
Does coffee ACTUALLY dehydrate you and harm performance?
Athletes tend to be heavy coffee drinkers. But drinking coffee dehydrates you, right? If so, are the benefits of caffeine outweighed by the negative effects of the dehydration on your performance?
How to stay hydrated when carrying fluids is difficult
An explanation of how and when to use Precision Hydration's Electrolyte Capsules, which are great for events and sessions when carrying fluids is difficult.
A hydration strategy for the Marathon des Sables
This is the 2nd in a series of blogs Andy Blow has written about staying hydrated at the Marathon des Sables.
Why sodium is crucial to athletes performing at their best
Many athletes understand that replacing the sodium lost when they sweat is important for maintaining performance, but they don't really know why. Here's why...
5 ways to carry drinks when running
When running longer than 90 mins, you're going to need to take in some fluids/electrolytes to perform at your best. Here's the best kit and tips for carrying drinks when endurance running!