Hydration, Fueling and Performance Advice for Athletes
Can youth athletes use Precision Fuel & Hydration?
We're often asked "can my child use Precision Fuel & Hydration electrolytes?". The simple answer is "yes" but context is key when deciding whether to use a hydration strategy and electrolytes...
Do you sweat when you swim?
Sports Scientist Inez Griffin answers the question of 'do you sweat when you swim?' and highlights the importance of having effective hydration strategies for pool and open water swimming.
What happens when you drink too much before a race?
Sports Scientist Abby Coleman explores pre-race hyponatremia and the dangers associated with athletes drinking too much before a race.
Is non-alcoholic beer an effective recovery drink for athletes?
There's a growing trend for athletes to turn to non-alcoholic beer rather than the 'real' thing after training sessions and races, but is alcohol-free beer an effective recovery drink?
How this Australian ultrarunner used PH to overcome cramp
Australian ultrarunner Daniel Murray explains what he learned from his Sweat Test and how PH helped him enjoy a cramp-free 50k race.
How long does it take to die from dehydration?
Sports Scientist Abby Coleman delves into survival stories and the scientific evidence to answer the question - how long does it take to die from dehydration?
How strong electrolyte drinks can help POTS sufferers
Hydration is extremely important for people who suffer from POTS and we explain why a strong electrolyte drink can help ease the dehydrating symptoms associated with POTS.
Why we batch test the Precision Fuel & Hydration product range
We explain why the Precision Fuel & Hydration product ranges are batch-tested in order to ensure they adhere to the WADA Anti-Doping Code.
Expert edition: Hydration Science
Should you drink to thirst or to a plan? Andy Blow shares the latest hydration advice with The Physical Performance Show.
Does drinking cold drinks in hot weather improve performance?
Sports Scientist Andy Blow explains the effects of cold drinks / slushies on athletes' performing in hot conditions...
Individualising Your Hydration and Sodium for Ultrarunning
Renowned ultrarunning coach, Jason Koop, talks to Andy about Sweat Testing and the implications for athletes' hydration strategies...
Can PH 1500 cure a hangover?
Many athletes comment on the hangover-relieving qualities of a PH 1500 electrolyte supplement and Sports Scientist Abby Coleman explains how a PH 1500 might help ease hangover symptoms.