Hydration, Fueling and Performance Advice for Athletes
What are shin splints and how can we treat them?
Sport physiologist Ben Cox discusses shin splints by explaining the real name for them, what they are, what causes them, and how to treat lower leg pain.
Indoor training session with pro IM triathlete Sarah Crowley
Sarah Crowley has twice finished on the podium at the IRONMAN World Championships and she gives us an insight into how she trains by sharing her favourite indoor training session.
Breathing techniques and mindfulness for endurance athletes
Precision Hydration have asked qualified yoga teacher, Nicole Allen, to share yogic breathing and mindfulness techniques for endurance athletes to practice.
Lockdown training part 3: Finding the positives
In the final blog of our 'lockdown training' series, Precision Fuel & Hydration ambassadors reveal the positive experiences they've been able to take from lockdown.
What causes a stitch and how can you get rid of it?
The stitch has afflicted many an athlete, particularly runners, and we've asked Sports Physiologist Ben Cox to explain what causes this pain and to tell us how we can overcome the issue.
My favourite indoor training session: Pro triathlete Sam Appleton
Precision Fuel & Hydration's athletes are sharing their favourite indoor training sessions and pro triathlete Sam Appleton has got a "fun one" for us...
Lockdown training part 2: How to improvise and improve
Precision Fuel & Hydration have spoken to some of our top athletes to hear how they've improvised their training during lockdown...
Inside the lockdown training plan of a Precision Fuel & Hydration age-group triathlete
Age-group triathlete Finlay McAndrew shows us how his training plan has changed during the course of lockdown.
Lockdown training part 1: How top athletes have adapted their plans
Precision Fuel & Hydration caught up with top athletes to hear how their training plans have shifted in response to the coronavirus pandemic and to get some training inspiration.
Inside the lockdown training plan of a pro PH triathlete
IRONMAN triathlete, Brett Halliwell, has kindly shared his lockdown training plan and told us how he's adapted his training during the coronavirus pandemic.
Science of recovery: the importance of food, hydration and sleep
Precision Fuel & Hydration's Sports Scientist, Abby Coleman, sheds light on the three core principles of recovery - food, hydration and sleep.
How to monitor your HRV and improve recovery
Precision Hydration founder Andy Blow details his experiences of using a Heart Rate Variability monitor to help implement changes to his daily life, training load and travel.